Router()->add('products', '/proizvodi/:category/:serie/:line', array('controller'=>'products','module'=>'products','action'=>'view','id'=>true,'page_slug'=>'/proizvodi')); AquaThermica Compact 150

SAP 305969
Capacity 143 L
Height 1682 m
Refrigerant R513 a g
Energy class A+
Maximum working pressure 8 bar
Diameter 541 mm
Heating time 9:08 h:min
Declared load profile L
Electric heating element power 1.5 kW
Min. ÷ max temperature heat pump air intake (90% R.H.) -5 ÷ 43 °C
Frequency 50 Hz
Annual electricity consumption in kWh under average climate conditions 884.2 kWh
Power supply 1/N/220-240 V
Compressor Rotary
Min. ÷ max temperature installation site 4 ÷ 40 °C
Compressor protection Thermal circuit breaker with automatic reset
Average consumption 0.239 kW
Fan Centrifugal
Motor protection Internal thermal circuit breaker with automatic reset
Condenser Wrapped externally not in contact with water
Transport weight 82 kg
CoP (DHW) 3.4
Refrigerant R513a
Refrigerant charge 760 g
CO2 equivalent 0.480
Max. quantity of hot water at 40; V40; [EN16147:2017] 178 L
Average heat pump consumption [Condition EN16147:2017 A7/W55] 0.239 kW