Router()->add('products', '/proizvodi/:category/:serie/:line', array('controller'=>'products','module'=>'products','action'=>'view','id'=>true,'page_slug'=>'/proizvodi')); EV 15S 160 60 Z PS
  • Compact size, allowing installation directly below the gas boiler
  • All connections positioned on the top, allowing quick and easy installation.
  • Magnesium anode allowing easy replacement
  • Option for installation of an electric heating element - 3 kW
  • Highly efficient PU insulation
  • Drainage opening
  • High output heat exchanger
SAP 305077
Capacity 150 L
Net weight 63 kg
Insulation 50 mm
Heat exchanger surface S1 1.52 m²
Heat exchanger capacity S1 9.5 L
Heat losses ∆T 45K 46 W
Energy class B
operational temperature
95 °C
Maximum operational temperature of the heat exchanger 110 °C
Rated pressure of the water tank 8 bar
Rated pressure of the heat exchanger 6 bar
V40 - hot water delivered with a temperature of at least 40℃ (S1) 231 L
Diameter 600 mm